Press release – HyPSTER injects its first hydrogen molecules into a salt cavern



HyPSTER injects its first hydrogen molecules into a salt cavern

HyPSTER*, the first renewable hydrogen storage demonstrator in a salt cavern located in Etrez (France), is entering its operational phase. On the 3rd of October 2024, the first hydrogen molecules were injected into the EZ53 salt cavern. A decisive step for this project, supported by the European Union’s Clean Hydrogen Partnership.

*HyPSTER: Hydrogen Pilot STorage for large Ecosystem Replication 

HyPSTER is the first salt cavern hydrogen storage demonstrator. it aims to test and validate the role of hydrogen storage in the hydrogen value chain, with a view to eventually replicating it on a larger scale and supporting the development of the hydrogen industry in Europe.

Since the 3rd of October 2024, several injections of hydrogen have been carried out to confirm that the well is hydrogen-tight in successive stages throughout its depth.

At the end of this leak-test phase, around two additional tons of hydrogen will be injected to enable simulations of hydrogen injection and withdrawal cycles to be carried out in the cavern over a period of more than three months. These tests are decisive in confirming the feasibility of large-scale hydrogen storage in a salt cavern.

About Storengy

Storengy, an ENGIE subsidiary, is one of the world leaders in underground natural gas storage. The company has 21 sites in France, Germany, and the United Kingdom.

With 70 years of experience in exploring and exploiting the subsoil, it is working to transform its storage facilities to accommodate 100% renewable gases and is mobilising its skills to develop hydrogen storage infrastructures.

Its local roots enable Storengy to take concrete action on environmental, economic, and social issues, for the benefit of local communities.

Storengy also applies its expertise to industrial and energy storage projects in France and abroad.


Storengy media contacts: A+ Conseils

Christelle ALAMICHEL – 06 31 09 03 83–

Marion LEBEL – 06 76 02 57 47 –